Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I pray that if we abide in Your words, Jesus, we are Your disciples indeed. And if we do that, we shall know the truth and the truth will make us free. John 8:31,32


luvgod2 said...

Kim Hale - Praise!!!
Life changes in my husband and peace/comfort God is giving during the loss of the majority of our business.

luvgod2 said...

Jackie Lee - Prayer Request
Please pray for her nephew, Justin. He's a teenager going through a tough time emotionally right now. Please pray for a Godly man to come up alongside him and council him and that his heart will be receptive.

luvgod2 said...

Kathleen Brown - Prayer Request
Please pray for her on Wednesday. She gets the test results back regarding her migraines. Also, please pray for her boss, Clay, who possibly suffered a heart attack or stroke and is in the hospital currently undergoing tests to determine what the issue is with him.

luvgod2 said...

Irene Farrell - Prayer Request
She has the possibility of a new job at her work. If it is God's will for her, then she would love to be blessed with this new job!

luvgod2 said...

Sarah Lujan - Prayer Request
Please pray for her son, Ricky, he will be getting deployed earlier to Iraq. It looks like August now. Please pray for Ricky's wife, Robyn for peace and comfort.